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Inti College, Kedah, Zimbabwe

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Australia:::Lady Sarah Ashley

‘Australia’ generally is about a woman named Lady Sarah Ashley,who have to take the responsibilities to manage the cattle station after her husband being murdered.I think the most interesting character in this movie is Lady Sarah Ashley.Lady Sarah Ashley starring by Nicole Kidman is potrayed as beautiful, charming and elegance lady that comes from aristocratic background.She is tall and has brown gold curly hair with blue eyes.Lady Sarah Ashley also known as Mrs. Boss has play a big role in this film.The story begins as Sarah Ashley leaving England and travel to Australia as to force her husband to sell his cattle station, Faraways Down.Soon she arrived there,she been told that her husband had been murdered.In this movie,we can see that Lady Sarah Ashley is caring and loving person. She treats Nullah and his mother kindly unlike the other white people. She does not discriminate them.She treats Nullah,the half cast boy like her own child.It is interesting to see that Lady Ashley who is do not have any family relationship with Nullah,in any way trying to protect him.

Even when Nullah had sent to Mission Island,she was sad and vowed that one day she will bring him back.Apart from that, Lady Sarah also a responsible person.Instead selling Faraways Down,she manage and runs it by her owns eventhough she knows nothing about cattle.With the help of Drover and others,she drives 2000 head of cattle across hundreds of miles to Darwin to sell at there.Besides,she is the one who being responsible to look after Nullah after her mother died.She sang a song called ‘Over the Rainbow’ to Nullah to cheer him up eventhough she didn’t know how to sing it. At the ball night, she tries to convince the doctor to stop taking children away from their mothers as she too can feel the pain of mothers who lost their children.She is also a brave woman.We can see this when Fletcher mistreat Nullah.Lady Sarah without further hesitation fired him with his men.Besides, Fletcher is cheating and stealing her husband’s business.She is brave enough to do so although knowing that Fletcher might seek revenge in future.When Fletcher wants to take Nullah away, she protects him as she knows that Fletcher might kill Nullah.As conclusion,I think Lady Sarah Ashley is the most interesting character in this film who from a lady with soft-hearted to a responsible,brave lady.She makes this movie alive and generally ‘Australia’ is a great movie.

Movie Review:::Coach Carter

The film 'Coach Carter' is based on a true story of Coach Ken Carter, who benched his entire team until their grades improved. Coach Ken Carter starring by Samuel L. Jackson is a successful sporting goods store owner.He later accepts the job of basketball coach for his old high school in a poor area of Richmond, California.At worst,the team have poor attitude and performance,which makes Carter came out with a plan.Carter makes it clear that the boys must follow a certain set of rules to play for him, and each student is required to sign a contract.The contract states that the boys must maintain a grade point average of 2.3 in class, to go and sit in front of the class and wear coat and tie on game day.If not,they are going to be suspended from the team.Their hardship training under Carter paid off as they becomes an undefeated competitor in the games.They gain streak wins in the competition.Everything looks very good until Carter found out that most of his players were doing poorly in their academic.They didn’t achive the minimal grade point 2.3 and always skip their classes.They didn’t follow the contract.This brought Carter to take a drastically action,locked up the gym.The team activities and tournaments also been cancelled. They cant played until they get acceptable marks in their study.The community outrage erupts when they knew Carter’s action.In the ensuing debate, Carter fights to keep his methods, determined to show the boys that they need to rely on more than sports for their futures.However, the school board and the parents strongly oppose Carter’s actions.The final decision of the conference had disappointed Coach Carter and he choose to quit.But then Carter changed his mind and decided to stay with his team after he met the team in the gym,with teachers tutoring them.

They now realise that it is important for them to excel in education as well as in basketball.Later the team made it into the state high-school championship playoffs.The climactic game took place in the tournament's first round against the first ranked team in the state, St. Francis.They were defeated by a score of 68-70. Although they were defeated, their spirits never die and Coach Carter was very proud of them. In the end,6 players from the team managed to go to colleges to pursue their dreams.They are Damien Carter, Timo Cruz, Junior Battle, Jason Lyle, Worm and Kenyon Stone.I really enjoyed the movie and was actually inspired by the end of the film.In my point of view, Coach Carter isn’t just a basketball movie.It covers the social life of the teenagers,their background and the influences of community surrounds them. This movie isn't just about sport but has an underlying moral message which is been shown throughout the film. In this film, Coach Carter was trying to instill values that he thought would help an entire community. The reality is that kids do have bad behaviour likes fighting, teenagers pregnancy, and selling drugs.He actually tries to deal with these issues without making judgment calls and instead offer resolutions to problems. He offered resolutions to his team's behaviour and left it to them to make the right decisions. This was good because they were able to see the consequences of their actions. When they made the right decision, they were able to see the positive consequences. When they made the wrong decision the players were faced with negative consequences and had no one to blame but themselves. This is a good inspirational movie of what one must do to excel in sports and in life. Coach Carter taught his players that they must be committed and work hard to excel.The positive message the movie conveyed was that lives can be changed for the better through self discipline, hard work and the building of character. Sport won't get you far unless your are really great but study and hard work in school will get you everywhere. Education is the key to freedom which gives you the edge over others. At the end, the team do realize the significance of education in order to improve not only their lives, but also their families. Another message this film teaches is respect, as at the beginning just after meeting the boys, Carter expresses a need for the boys to show respect not only for themselves but also for their friends and elders.For me, ’Coach Carter’ was an overall good, positive film.